My name is Ramanan Sivaranjan.
I’m currently the Head of the Engineering at the incredibly nerdy Quantum Bridge, where we build cryptography related software designed to be secure against quantum computing attacks. I never thought I’d have the chance to actually put my 4th year cryptography classes to use. For 12 years prior, I worked at Security Compass helping build our product SD Elements, ultimately managing the development team as the Director of Engineering. In a previous life I did systems programming in C++. It will always be my true love, even though I have forgotten it all. I’m currently trying to fill that void with Rust. In my spare time I like to build web sites, usually using Python. I still love programming.
For over 20 years I have run the weblog A Funkaoshi Production. It’s probably more exciting, interesting, and personal than this page. If you play D&D, I have a full-on D&D blog called Save vs. Total Party Kill.
I post photos on Flickr and code on GitHub.
I finally updated my resume, after years of putting it off.
I am married to Shima Mirkarimi. I am the father of Mythilli Mirkarimi.
I’m all over the Internet. Email Me!